Website Translation Services

Bridging the language gap: translating your web content for a global impact!

Crossing Digital Borders with Expert Web Translations from BeTranslated

Today’s social media and content marketing revolution has resulted in a growing need for fresh and readily available content for a wide variety of communication channels. BeTranslated is here to provide you with flexible and affordable website translation services that adapt specifically to your web content needs.

With your budget in mind, we’ll craft custom solutions to help you produce high-quality content for British, European, and global audiences. BeTranslated regularly translates into and from English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Spanish, as well as other global languages, such as Chinese and Arabic.

Why should you use our translation services to translate your website?

Engaging blog posts translated into the languages of your choice

We understand that you need regular, high-quality content to stay on top of your online marketing game, and we trust that you’ll appreciate the services of a company that can provide you with translations of all your web-based business activities.

BeTranslated translates content such as mailing lists, blog posts, social media posts, and ads, with the help of well-informed and SEO-conscious translation experts.

Send us the content you wish to be translated as a Word document, or export it to any of the common formats (.po files, HTML, XLIFF, CSV or XML), and we’ll provide you with the translations within your specified deadlines.

In addition to providing premium translations of your web content, we can assist you with translating meta tags and image descriptions as well.

Accurate translation and localisation of your site’s SEO content is essential to guarantee the best possible visibility on Google, resulting in more traffic to your site and, ultimately, more client engagement.

Website translation: Microsoft Word, CMS or No CMS?

We’re happy to recommend one of the most popular solutions for managing multilingual websites. While we do not handle technical installation, our consulting services can help you tweak and fine-tune your site to your requirements.

  • Content translated in a word processor: translating documents in Microsoft Word is our most affordable option for providing you with website translations. If you can export your content into Word, we’ll focus on the content and let you handle the rest.
  • Content translated in your CMS:  we can also assist you with setting up multilingual content management plugins for popular web content management systems, such as WordPress. Once successfully installed, the plugin can export your content in a variety of formats that we can work with for our translations.
  • Other website translation formats: we can also handle more complex formats, such as MySQL database dumps, or product catalogues. In these cases, we usually prefer working with a CSV export of the database.

Translating mailing list newsletters into your target market’s language

If you’re thinking about expanding internationally, translating your website and online digital content is a logical first step.

Creating versions of your website in languages that are relevant to your market – from minority British languages like Welsh and Scottish Gaelic, to global languages, such as Spanish and Japanese, will allow you to reach a much larger audience.

Providing localised content in your readers’ native language gives you the edge when it comes to earning a client’s trust, which in turn gives your company credibility.

Websites are not the only area crying out for translation, however; if you are looking to reach a broad European global audience, consider doing so with newsletters featuring company business news, product launch announcements, and sign-up for social media campaigns. And whilst you’re at it, why not get your content flawlessly translated into your target market’s language by skilled linguists?

BeTranslated can assist your company in expanding its client base. Simply export your content into the format of your choice, and contact us today!


Contact us for a free, no-obligation quote.

Call us at
Office Address

International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2BN, UK

What Happens Next?

Request a Quote
Request a Quote

One of our regional managers will receive your request for a translation quote.


A member of BeTranslated will respond to you within a couple of hours.

Assessing Your Project
Assessing Your Project

We match your project to the translator who best meets your needs according to the details of your request.


You will receive the translated files within the agreed-upon deadline.

Follow-up & Invoicing
Follow-up & Invoicing

Once you are satisfied with your translation, we will send you your invoice.