by Caridad Batista | 21 Nov, 2023 | Interpreting, Translation services, Translators
If you work within the global market, it is highly likely that your business is in need of a linguistic service, such as that of an interpreter or a translator.
The need for languages has increased significantly due to cultural diversification and multilingualism, which can even occasionally take place within the same country.
If you wish to succeed globally, you will most certainly be all the more in need of an interpreting or translation service.
The terms “translator” and “interpreter” are often used interchangeably, as in the eyes of many people, they do the same job.
However, they carry out two very separate disciplines that require a very different set of skills and capabilities.
Translator vs interpreter: what are the differences?
Translators and interpreters work with foreign languages, in order to convey a message from a “source” language, into a “target” language.
As a result of these similarities, the two terms continue to be mixed up by the majority of people.
Nevertheless, we are going to explore 8 key points to help you differentiate a translator from an interpreter, and we are also going to establish which linguistic service your company is in need of.
Spoken word vs. written word
Even though the goal of interpreters and translators is to convey a message from one language to another, their methods differ.
Translators work on paper or on digital documents, and for the most part, translate into their first language.
They can use dictionaries, as well as other translation tools, which are specific to one language, in order to perfect their work.
They also have the chance to carry out research throughout the translation process.
On the other hand, interpreters verbally relay information, obtained from speech in another language.
They frequently work with two languages, and interpret what the speaker says in real time, in order to ensure the audience understands what is being said.
An interpreter can listen to and interpret more than one language at once.
More often than not, the interpretation is carried out by one or more professionals, who are on site, even though with technological advancements, certain interpreters now work remotely via conference calls, or over the phone.
For example, you will certainly need an interpreter for your call centre, seeing as its structure centres around direct contact with clients in order to gather leads, carry out of market research, or ensure that follow-up actions are carried out.
In certain cases, having an interpreter to hand will prove beneficial within the international market.
Translators versus interpreters: both base their rates on various factors, because they do not offer the same service.
A translator normally charges per word or by the page, whereas an interpreter will be more likely to charge an hourly rate.
As previously mentioned, interpreters deal with real-time speech, as opposed to translators, who translate written language.
This means that translators usually have time to undertake research in order to guarantee the quality of their translation, whereas interpreters can only carry out research surrounding the subject they are going to be dealing with beforehand.
Even though they are not particularly perceptible to a set schedule, translators still have deadlines to meet.
One language vs. two languages
You will entrust a translator to translate a document written in a foreign language, into their native language.
It’s quite rare for translators to translate their native language into another language, although it does sometimes happen.
On the other hand, interpreters must juggle between two, or even more languages, all whilst relaying the information both ways.
In a spoken conversation, they must first listen to, and interpret what the speaker is saying, and then repeat the same process for the other person present in the conversation.
Due to the nature of their work, translators can work remotely, no matter where they are in the world, which is why companies have a large group of translators who they can work with.
This is because a large number of businesses choose to outsource translation services. For the most part, interpreters work face-to-face and in person.
This need for them to be present at work, reduces their range of recruitment possibilities.
However, thanks to advancements in video conferencing, they now have the opportunity to offer a virtual interpreting service.
There are excellent video conferencing solutions available on the market.
Generally speaking, translators have access to different resources, such as dictionaries, or computer assisted translation (CAT) tools throughout the whole translation process.
Some companies can have specific pieces of software that they prefer using, where they can manage vendor access from afar, allowing the translators to also have access.
Due to the sensitive nature of their job, interpreters use their memory and their knowledge of language as their primary resource, even more so because they do not have time to undertake research on the spot.
Only conference interpreters have the chance to carry out some research beforehand, if they are given the agenda of the event in advance.
Although interpreters go to great lengths to translate a message from one language to another with the highest degree of accuracy, this isn’t always easy, given the speed at which they work.
Once an interpreter has relayed the information, it is difficult to go back and correct a mistake, if they realise they have made one.
Translators have more time in front of them, and therefore they have more time to check their work before handing it over to their client.
Translators only work with written language.
On the other hand, interpreters have a more holistic approach to their job. In other words, they take into consideration the tone of the speaker, their facial expressions, and their body language, in order to reflect the message in its entirety.
Translator vs interpreter: which one to choose?
Even though there are similarities between a translator and an interpreter, the biggest thing that separates the two, is the service which they provide.
As soon as you select which linguistic service you need, you must fully understand the differences between the role of an interpreter and that of a translator so that you can choose the right one for your company.
Our linguistic service agency here at BeTranslated offers you a translation and interpreting service adapted to your individual needs.
We work with highly qualified translators, each with their own expertise.
Get in touch with us for more information.
by Caridad Batista | 21 Nov, 2023 | Machine Translation, Translation agency, Translation Service Providers
In today’s society, artificial intelligence algorithms are the next big thing, and they continue to take the world by storm.
Currently, in the UK, the AI market is worth £17 billion, and it is reported that this figure could rise to over £800 billion by 2035.
Furthermore, the UK has twice as many AI-based companies as any of its European counterparts.
For many people, time is money, and efficiency is key.
With AI systems increasing the rate of productivity, they are playing a pivotal role in our society, as their software produces automated responses at a much greater speed; therefore, they are starting to replace previous conventional methods.
For better or for worse, artificial intelligence has affected all industries and sectors, with the translation industry being no exception.
Nowadays, almost everybody is familiar with, or understands how to use AI translation tools such as Google Translate, ChatGPT, and DeepL, but how much can we rely on these tools to create the perfect translation for your project?
Contextual understanding
Human language is not as simple as math, in that there is not one definitive answer, but multiple possibilities and potential options.
Furthermore, no two languages are the same, and each has its own sentence structure, grammar, style, and idioms.
Machine translation finds it extremely difficult to understand the context within a text, and cannot easily grasp the cultural nuances of either the source or target language.
Despite providing output for your workload at a much faster rate than human translation, AI translation tends to contain common mistakes and lacks accuracy and precision.
A study carried out by the Economist revealed that poor communication delayed projects by 44%, or left them incomplete as a result.
Moreover, 18% of the study’s participants experienced a loss of sales due to a lack of precise communication with their clients.
Machine translation tends to automatically generate a direct or literal translation of the source text, which can cause a few problems.
What makes sense in one language, can be utter gibberish in another.
For example, when HSBC Bank tried to advertise its “Assume Nothing” campaign worldwide, it encountered several issues.
Instead of appropriately translating it into various languages, it opted to translate its slogan using an AI translation tool, resulting in a translation signifying “Do Nothing” in many languages.
This major error caused the company to spend $10 million on a new campaign, where they eventually changed their slogan to “The world’s local bank”.
Since AI translation has the inability to identify different contexts, it can cost businesses a lot of money, but with BeTranslated’s expert translation and localisation services, you can rest easy knowing this will not happen to you, ensuring you maintain a fruitful relationship with your clients.
Adaptability to different types of text
There are various types of translation, for instance, you can have sworn translations, legal document translations, the translation of a travel brochure, or even a user manual.
The translation processes for these documents differ, and the model and requirements for each are not the same.
At BeTranslated, we have a team of highly skilled and experienced translators in a wide range of fields, available to assist you with any translation needs you may have.
Consistency in document types such as legal documents or user manuals is essential, and this is where AI translation can let you down.
AI translation often tries to use different variations of words, meaning that the document is not coherent, and therefore difficult to follow, or incorrect, which can be a significant issue regarding its importance, as well as the implications caused as a direct result of the poor translation.
The value of having a human translator that has extensive knowledge of an industry, alongside the culture of the target audience, cannot be understated.
This expertise and skill that you require for your project cannot be replicated by artificial intelligence.
If you want to effectively communicate with your target audience and make a lasting impression, don’t waste your time using AI language tools, hire a professional translation agency to assist you, giving your translated content a human touch.
Cultural sensitivity
When translating any text, your primary focus should be adapting it for the desired target audience.
A human’s expertise is significantly better equipped to deal with this, compared to its technological counterpart.
For instance, something as simple as colour can have very different connotations and meanings amongst other cultures and countries.
If we take the colour red for example, it has a wide range of significance for various communities.
In the UK, we associate red with love, passion, or even aggression, but in China, it is associated with happiness and luck.
On the contrary, in South Africa, it is a symbol of sacrifice, violence, and bloodshed, with the colour appearing on the national flag, to serve as a reminder of the sacrifice made by many South Africans in the fight for independence.
When carrying out a translation process, a human can take into consideration the cultural significance of your message for your target audience and can alter it accordingly, whereas AI translation is incapable of doing this.
Choosing a human translator to carry out a translation and localisation process gives you security, and ensures that your brand’s message is accessible and relatable for your target audience.
In a global market, there is no room for error, and when reaching out to an international market, you have to demonstrate an understanding and awareness of their culture.
User experience and trust
When it comes to translating your documents, our team of industry experts at BeTranslated will work with your team, and support you throughout the process. We will provide you with translations of the highest quality, and meet your requirements, as well as those set and demanded by the industry.
In comparison with machine translation, human translators with expertise in a designated field will have a far greater understanding of complex industry terminology and jargon used.
Furthermore, unlike AI translation applications that can occasionally store and use your private information, at BeTranslated, we keep your sensitive information confidential throughout the translation process.
With our SEO expertise, we can adapt any text, allowing our consumer research to improve your visibility on Google.
Unlike AI translation, we can offer you a wide range of professional translation services, providing you with a speedy service, that will propel you towards success, and will allow you to gain prominence and trust amongst your clients.
Why automated AI translation is a costly mistake
Despite automated AI translation being efficient and significantly more advanced than before, it still falls short in terms of the quality it provides, compared to that of a human translator.
AI translation tools can be helpful when trying to quickly understand the meaning of a message, but when it comes to creating an accurate and reliable translation, don’t waste your time using this cheaper alternative, as in the long run it will cost you more money, and affect your reputation and your brand’s image amongst clients.
Contact us today to find out more about our cost-effective professional translation services, and get a free, no-obligation quote.
by Caridad Batista | 14 Nov, 2023 | Good to Know
The way translators and translation agencies calculate their translation rates must seem like some form of voodoo to many clients; you’re supposed to fill out an online form in order to “get a free quote”, and if you’re lucky, you’ll get a call back soon.
How the translation agency arrived at that number often seems like an enigma.
Is there a logic to it, or did they just type some random figures into a calculator?
It’s no wonder why many clients are put off by the lack of transparency when it comes to the rates for quality translations.
Many would rather try their luck with machine translation or use an unverified service, inevitably resulting in a below-par end product. (more…)
by Caridad Batista | 4 Nov, 2023 | Financial translation, Professional Translation, Translation services
As a European company, we provide an online translation service to a wide range of businesses, irrespective of their geographical location, or field of work.
If there is one sector that requires having access to flawless and professional translations, performed by expert linguists and agencies, it is the insurance industry.
For this reason, many insurance companies have become regular returning customers for BeTranslated, as their expertise and specialist multilingual service is a valuable asset for insurers to have helping them with their technical linguistic needs.
We’re going to be delving deeper into the insurance industry’s current situation in the UK, hopefully giving you a better insight into the industry, as well as the professional translation services we can provide to you and your business.
Top insurance trends in the UK for 2024
- Climate change: this growing issue has resulted in unprecedented damage to insured homes up and down the United Kingdom, which has seen a rapid rise in insurance prices.
- Inflated rates: This is a knock-on effect of the inflation in repair costs, with businesses desperately attempting to balance their margins. It is estimated that the increase in the cost of insuring your home is set to get even higher, with the Financial Times predicting more than a 33% rise in the UK over the coming 2 years.
- Car insurance prices are at an all-time high: A current nationwide shortage in vehicle parts and staff has resulted in insurers raising their rates. This issue extends beyond just car insurance, affecting various sectors such as campervan hire, where the costs have also seen a noticeable increase. Car insurance giant Admiral has predicted a plateau in inflated prices as early as 2024. However, this has been heavily debated amongst industry experts, with many believing we will continue to see an increase in rates up until 2025 at the very least.
- Recovery period for the industry: the insurance industry has found itself in a recovery period, following the effects of Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. With all of these events happening in quick succession, every UK insurance market is still feeling the full effects. Another stand out issue for UK insurance providers at the moment, is the ever-changing international markets.
The impact of Brexit on the UK insurance market
Travel insurance, haulage insurance, and seafood insurance, have all seen, or experienced first-hand, the immediate effects and changes brought about by Brexit.
Passport problems have made it more and more challenging for UK and EU financial providers to reach a deal.
Prudential, a London-based insurance company, considered moving its office headquarters to Hong Kong, due to tight EU regulations following Brexit.
65% of its staff in London have already been relocated to Hong Kong, with the company’s new CEO being appointed in Hong Kong too.
Although its office in the capital is staying put, it appears Prudential has been forced to reconsider their future endeavours following the aftermath of Brexit, with the renowned insurance company seemingly having its primary focus on the Asian market.
Brexit appears to have affected 60% of the commercial insurance industry worldwide, however, it is claimed to have impacted upon a staggering 100% of UK insurance companies.
Despite the previously mentioned factors having a significant impact upon the industry (COVID-19, climate change, and the war in Ukraine), experts unanimously agree that Brexit has been responsible for the vast majority of the UK insurance industry’s current deplorable state.
Insurance in the City of London
The London Market is unique, and independent of the rest of the UK.
It attracts a lot of global interest, so much so that out of the total instalments that take place, only 30% are UK-based, with the rest being received from clients overseas.
It is the only active market to have the top 20 assured reinsurance companies all present.
Furthermore, there are currently 140 certified insurance companies located in the City of London.
Over the past few years, we have witnessed an increase in the scrutiny surrounding high-exposure risks.
Insurance providers in London primarily specialise in non-life insurance, along with reinsurance.
The London Market is undergoing a technological advancement, with 33% of active insurers investing in new technology.
Insurers want to ensure that an efficient and flawless service is on offer for every broker and client.
Translation for insurance companies
Insurance companies work with industry-specific documents, for example, company policies and contracts, etc.
They often translate these technical documents in order to fulfil the legal and commercial requirements of the market, to which the insurance company is directed, depending on the nationality of the policyholder.
Founded in 2002, BeTranslated has provided numerous widely recognised insurance translation services to all kinds of experienced and assured businesses within the financial sector.
The majority of our translators have extensive knowledge of the insurance industry, with some of them even being insurers themselves.
The following fields do not pose any difficulty whatsoever for our translators, as the databases which have been accumulated since the launch of BeTranslated, guarantee ultimate precision in any type of translation carried out.
BeTranslated is a professional translation agency that works with multiple linguistic combinations, be it translating an insurance policy in PDF format, from English to Spanish, or from French to German, or any other language.
Why use BeTranslated’s insurance translation services?
To help facilitate your international communication, we offer reviews and insurance translation services of the highest quality to insurance companies.
Our professional translators, who are industry experts, work under tight deadlines so that you can communicate with your clients and colleagues, whether they are in Spain, Europe, or anywhere else in the world, no matter your first language.
Take care when using online translation tools, as they make a lot of mistakes, and end up costing some companies a lot of money in the process.
Your communication is the face of your business, and it has to be impeccable!
Quotes and an efficient, speedy service… We are at your disposal 24/7
Whether it is insurance policies for properties, vehicles, housing, families, pensions, finances, etc., insurers take care of the most personal and private affairs of their clients, with confidentiality being essential.
With BeTranslated, our clients can rest easy knowing that we respect the confidentiality of their documents throughout the process.
Our industry-expert insurance translators respect the demands of the client, and promise to provide a translation service that is compliant with the very strict rules of the profession.
Trust in BeTranslated with your translations, with the guarantee that you will receive a high-quality service.
Get a free quote!
by Caridad Batista | 31 Oct, 2023 | Communication, Localisation, Marketing
A press release is a short document, whose goal it is to inform and keep journalists, and the public updated about your business’ events and innovations.
Whether it is regarding the launch of a company, or the release of a new product, press releases allow you to establish an effective line of communication with the public.
This is where press release translation services are necessary.
A press release translation into multiple languages, gives your document the opportunity to get noticed globally.
Let’s say that your company wants to step onto the international scene, this will help to grab everyone’s attention.
Translating a press kit can be a very powerful and crucial marketing strategy, and it can allow your company to be very well understood by your target audience.
Why do you need press release translation services?
It might be that you would like to publish a press release as soon as possible, but do you think that it will connect with a multilingual audience if your publications are only available in one language?
If your press releases are only available in English, it is possible that you could miss the opportunity to reach out to a much wider audience.
By translating them into other languages, you can reach out to journalists, the media, and audiences that you would not have reached out to otherwise.
If you provide the information in other languages, you demonstrate that you are invested in clear and effective communication.
Of course, the first step is to find the right translation agency to help you launch your press kits into the global market.
Press release translations are a crucial marketing strategy
Undoubtedly, translating your press releases into various languages is a fundamental element of a comprehensive and impactful marketing strategy.
It goes beyond simply reaching a wider audience; it’s about ensuring that your core message, the information you want to convey, resonates with individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
As you begin to put together your press releases, it’s important to bear in mind the quintessential nature of a well-crafted press release, which should effectively address the five fundamental questions:
This question pertains to the individuals or entities involved in the subject matter of your press release. It’s about identifying the key players, whether they are organizations, individuals, or groups, allowing your audience to understand the context and relevance of the news.
This is the crux of the matter. What is the news? What are the developments or events you are announcing? This question delves into the heart of the matter, revealing the substance of your message.
The timing of your news is crucial. It helps your audience understand the relevance and urgency of the information. Is it a recent development, an upcoming event, or a historical retrospective? Answering the “when” question provides context and immediacy.
This question concerns the location or scope of your news. It’s about geography, be it a specific place, a global perspective, or even a virtual space.
Defining the “where” helps your audience place the news in a specific context.
The “why” question delves into the motivations, reasons, and significance behind the news. It’s your opportunity to explain the purpose and the impact of the subject matter.
Why is this news important, and why should your audience care?
By addressing these five fundamental questions in your translated press releases, you ensure that your message resonates comprehensively and effectively with your target audience, regardless of their language and cultural background.
This not only expands your reach, but also strengthens your ability to connect with diverse markets across Europe, Asia, and America, ultimately contributing to the success of your global marketing endeavours.
Furthermore, translating your English documents into neighbouring languages, such as French, German, or Italian, can help expand your market reach across close borders.
A press release’s quality
Only an experienced translation agency will be able to offer you optimal exposure of your press releases in multiple languages.
You can trust in BeTranslated’s professional translators to provide you with a high-quality translation in a very short time, and at a competitive rate.
Furthermore, we ensure that your company grows globally and leaves your target audience with a positive and respectable image of your brand.
When writing up a press release about your company online, it is important that it is informative, and follows the quality standards required by many media platforms.
Our translation agency is responsible for guaranteeing loyalty to the original document, as well as the quality of the final product.
Being loyal is not the same as being literal.
The precision and the thoroughness of our translators’ work lie precisely with your know-how, which allows them to establish this distinction, and therefore adapt a text to a cultural setting, which is inevitably different to that of the original language.
We ensure that our translations are precise and remain loyal to the original message.
Simultaneously, we carry out a localisation process, which allows us to adapt the translation to the very heart of the culture of the chosen country.
Time factor of press release translation
Everyone will tell you that the time taken with press release translation is a determining factor. Editors worldwide demand that the presented information is relevant, but above all, handed in on time for publication.
For this reason, quality isn’t our only priority.
At BeTranslated, we are very strict with deadlines, and our professional translators are used to working under tight time constraints.
We will work together to ensure that our team completes your press release translations, returning them to you within the agreed timeframe.
This way, you will be able to broadcast synced press releases internationally.
Trust BeTranslated for your multilingual press release translation services
Our extensive experience and unwavering commitment to quality make us an ideal ally for any of your projects.
Our proficiency spans across various sectors, aligning perfectly with our aim to cater for a wide range of industries.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to find out more about our services.
Get a free, no-obligation quote today!
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