Best Universities for Translation Degrees in The UK and Ireland

June 12, 2019

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Thinking of studying translation in the United Kingdom or Ireland?

Looking at potential translation degrees to study abroad in an English-speaking country?

With beautiful campuses, vibrant student life and a reputation for academic excellence, studying your degree in the UK, Northern Ireland, or the Republic of Ireland is always a good choice!

If you are looking to work in the field of translation or interpreting, it is crucial to lay down a solid foundation before trying to find work.

Many universities in the UK and Ireland specialise in language courses, as well as offering translation and interpreting degrees.

Consider the types of translation degrees available

There are many options available to you. Some choose to study an undergraduate degree in one or two foreign languages (some universities even allow you to choose three) and then follow up their undergraduate three or four-year Bachelor or four-year MA Hons with a Masters in translation or interpretation.

Some, however, prefer to stick to a specialised undergraduate degree in the field of their choice. The latter may only be possible for those who can prove their language proficiency before embarking on the course.

We have put together a definitive list of the English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, and Northern Irish universities that offer translation degrees and training courses.

Keep in mind that we have only included degrees focusing uniquely on translation – all these institutions and many more also offer BSc or MA Hons language degrees.

Undergraduate translation degrees


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Northern Ireland

Unfortunately, we didn’t find any undergraduate translation degrees in Northern Ireland.

Still determined to study in this beautiful part of the world?

Why not start your academic career with an undergraduate language degree?

Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster University in Coleraine both offer great course programs for prospective language students.

Republic of Ireland

Postgraduate translation degrees




Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland

As you can see, there’s no shortage of options for future students looking to further their studies in translation and interpreting.

Languages are becoming an increasingly popular career choice in the UK and Ireland, with students not only going into translation and interpreting but also language teaching, international journalism, media, and academia.

READ ALSO:  The Best Translation Schools and Universities in Belgium

Still not convinced?

Many of our professional translators here at BeTranslated studied at one of these institutions and are now providing quality translation services under our name.

What do you make of our list? Have we missed any important universities?

We want to hear from you! If you’re thinking of studying in another country, check out our full list of university translation courses worldwide.

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