B2B Translation

6 Tips for Hiring Translators for Your International B2B Deals

February 19, 2018

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Many businesses aiming to expand beyond the domestic market concentrate on B2B sales; sales between businesses, rather than between a business and an individual customer (B2C).

If your company plans to pursue B2B deals with companies overseas, the creation and delivery of a high-quality B2B marketing campaign are paramount.

Of course, going global creates the need for B2B translation.

If you plan to branch out into countries where a language other than English is spoken, said marketing campaign will have to be translated by a professional translator, along with a myriad of documents and correspondence.

In this guide, we will share the most important factors to be considered when hiring a reliable translation service for your B2B translation needs.

Define your target market

Having a clear target customer, whether they are an individual or another business, is crucial to producing a successful marketing campaign.

Be clear on who you are communicating with and what tone you wish to portray.

If your translator knows these details they will be able to produce translations that are perfectly tailored to the reader, giving your product or service the best chance of resonating with the potential client.

Establish language combinations for your B2B translation

Once you have established your target market and identified which language or languages your content will need to be translated into, you can begin to work with a translation service that specialises in those languages.

Although some languages are spoken in many countries around the world, the dialects vary greatly from country to country.

Let’s take French as an example; there are huge differences between the French spoken in France, Canada, Belgium, and Haiti, to name just a few French-speaking nations.

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If you are expanding into more than one country or region that speaks the same language, the translation agency can give you advice on whether a different B2B translation for each country is needed, or whether their dialects are similar enough for that to be unnecessary.

Find a translator who understands your niche market

The best translation service for you will not only specialise in the right language combinations, but they will also have native translators who are experts in your specific sector.

If your company produces medical equipment, working with a translator specialised in the medical field to translate your instruction manuals, for example, will guarantee clear and accurate translations.

Don’t underestimate the importance of localisation

If you haven’t worked with a translator before, you may see the process of translation as simply replacing words in one language with words in another.

Of course, it’s much more complex than that, and one of the major considerations for the translator is making sure that the target text will be understood in the context of the target culture.

This process of tweaking the text to suit the new audience is called localisation and takes into account issues such as humour, pop culture, religion, and superstition.

Working with a translator who can provide localisation services will ensure clear communication with your clients, free from damaging or costly misunderstandings.

You won’t regret having your website translated

To strengthen your presence in your target market it is essential to have your website and other online content translated into the relevant languages.

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Hiring an experienced, native speaker as your website translator will help you to build a relationship with your new clients, which will directly benefit your sales.

A professionally translated website will give a good impression to those local businesses you are interested in working with on a B2B basis.

If your website is not available in their language it not only sends the message that your company is not invested in their market, it also forces them to use automated translation which can lead to serious misunderstandings.

Always follow local regulations

Remember that different countries and regions may have different laws and requirements when it comes to information such as ingredients lists, disclaimers, and instructions, and getting these wrong could lead to serious ramifications.

Do your own research, but also discuss these issues with your translation service so that you are all on the same page.

You’ve worked hard to establish your company in the UK, building a strong relationship with your clients through communication that suits your business, don’t let this standard drop as you take your business global. Translation agencies like BeTranslated, with our skilled, native-language translators are here to help.

Get in touch today for more information or a free, no-obligation quote.

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